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Business Photography in Düsseldorf

As a photographer, I know how important it is to gain my clients' trust and turn their visions into visual stories. I recently had the opportunity to work on a business photo shoot for the "Verein Deutscher Ingenieure" (Association of German Engineers, VDI).

The Briefing

First of all, the project started with a detailed briefing from my client. I took time to understand their goals and objectives and find out what kind of images they needed. It was important to consider the personality and image of the company, as well as the target audience they wanted to reach. Very helpful: the VDI was able to provide me with CI imagery in advance for orientation; basically, these are collages that reflect the style of the target images. The desired result: to professionally capture an examination situation of the VDI "Wissensforum" to become a specialist engineer as well as the subsequent certificate handover in the company premises.

The Planning

After the briefing, I started planning the shoot. I made a checklist of all the necessary equipment I needed to get the shots. I also checked the location and lighting conditions to make sure I could get the best possible result. I also planned what poses and scenarios I would use to communicate the client's message.

The Photoshoot

During the shoot itself, it was important to create a positive atmosphere to relax the subjects and help them feel comfortable. I used different poses and backgrounds to make sure I had a wide range of images to choose from.

Downscaled shot from the shoot, embedded on the VDI Wissensforum homepage (screenshot 03/25/2023):

The Editing

After the shoot, I went through the process of editing the images. I sorted out the best images and edited them in Lightroom and Photoshop to achieve the desired effect. I adjusted colors, brightness, contrast and removed unwanted elements in the image. I made sure the images were the right size and resolution so they could be used in different media.

The Result

The result was a set of high-quality images that reflected VDI's image and personality. They are able to use them on their website, marketing materials, and social media. The client was very happy with the result and I had the pleasure of building a valuable relationship with them.

Excerpt from VDI news article (03/25/2023), where some photos from the photo shoot were included:


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